The bethink project

I'm not going to make anything fancy here. Just say that bethink is an online journal currently offered in perl/cgi. I have plans to eventually offer it in a PHP version as soon as i get around to it.

At the moment, sourceforge servers refuse to run the bethink code over the web, but it runs fine over a shell. if anyone knows how to fix this i'd like to hear from you. i can be reached at

In light of my sourceforge troubles, i have setup a public beta on my personal site.

This runs the most up to date and unreleased version of bethink. Why unreleased? Why wont you give us that code? Well because i'm not finished that version yet and have things yet to come. so pound it, put in some entries, and generally try to screw around with it a bit within reason.

And lets not forget that this project is being hosted by
SourceForge Logo
Why? Because i thought itd be a good way to get this out to the public.